Throughout the rest of the year, there will be many scholarship opportunities for the seniors of Unadilla Valley Central School. Information on these awards will be located in the Guidance Office, posted on multiple bulletin boards around the school, sent to teachers who have seniors in classes, emailed to seniors on Fridays and posted here. Some scholarship applications can be accessed below, but many others are paper applications that can picked up in the MS/HS Guidance Office. Information will include the award eligibility requirements and deadline for submission. Last year we gave out more than $80,000 at graduation! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Heath, or Mr. Ruffino in the Guidance Office at (607) 847-7500, Extension 1118.
Scholarship: Student Scholarships
None available at this time.
UVCSF Continuing Education Scholarships
If you need assistance accessing any of the documents on this page, please contact TBD.