Nov. 21, 2023
Dear UV Parents and Guardians,
We are writing to ask for your support as we tackle some concerns about cell phone usage during the school day. Over the past few weeks we have implemented some strategies including providing every classroom with a wall hanging containing sleeves for phone storage. Teachers are permitted and encouraged to ask students to place their phone in these sleeves at the start of class if the phone is visible upon entry to the classroom. We will not solicit phones if they are out of sight or left in lockers, but phones being visibly carried by students, creating the potential for distraction, should be placed in the sleeves for the duration of classes.
We would also like to remind you that Unadilla Valley School District is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal electronic devices. There have been quite a few instances of lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices in recent weeks. If students are going to bring these devices to school, we highly recommend that they remain locked up, on the student, or in the cell phone sleeves at all times. They should not be shared with other students or left unattended at any time. We can no longer dedicate time and resources to searching for devices that are not being properly cared for during the school day.
We thank you very much for your understanding, support, and partnership.
Brendan Coyle
Unadilla Valley School District