As we enter the first full week of the 2024-25 school year, we’d like to thank our students, families and staff for helping with our adjusted arrival and dismissal procedures.   

This is just a reminder that for grade 3 through grade 12, no students will be dismissed before 3:05 p.m. In some cases, we have parents or caregivers of students in these grades arriving well before that time for student pick-up. This is causing some congestion with traffic flow. If it is important for your schedule for you to arrive earlier than 3:05 p.m., there is parking available in both the south and north parking lots. 

Dismissing students in grades 3 through 12 earlier than 3:05 p.m. takes away from important time in the classroom. Our hope is that we can continue to work together to keep our dismissal time safe and efficient.