GoGuardian Educational Systems
The increased use of online resources available to our students requires increased emphasis on student safety and security in the digital environment. New York's EdLaw2-D requires school districts to protect students and their personal data online. To help keep our students safer and more focused when they work on the internet at school, Unadilla Valley is using GoGuardian, a leader in online educational services. More than 10,000 schools, including some in neighboring districts, already use GoGuardian to protect 5.5 million students across the world. We are confident this is an important tool to enhance student safety.
GoGuardian has two main components: internet filtering and teacher access to student Chromebooks in school.
GoGuardian monitoring system
The monitoring system flags and reports inappropriate internet use any time a student is logged in to their Chromebook. It also allows teachers to quickly direct students to classroom websites and establish a bank of approved sites for student use.
GoGuardian teacher tools
Teachers can use GoGuardian to monitor students signed in to their Classroom during school hours. This Chromebook access allows them to see their students’ progress on assignments and to redirect, assist and assess needs during class time.
FAQs about GoGuardian for students and families
Why does my teacher use GoGuardian?
GoGuardian software helps educators maximize the benefits of using technology in the classroom while minimizing the risks associated with online learning.
Is the District allowed to filter and monitor students?
Yes. "...many schools are required to have a program in place to help filter out harmful images, as required by the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)..." GoGuardian provides schools with tools to comply with CIPA as well as tools to help students utilize online resources that other schools have found to be educational and/or appropriate.
Teachers can protect and oversee student web activity, have control over which videos students see, can detect potentially dangerous activity, and help prevent students from searching for inappropriate material.
Why should I use my district Chromebook even when I am at home?
Unadilla Valley CSD provided this device to allow students to do their schoolwork wherever they are. Every district device is protected and filtered by GoGuardian at home or anywhere there is internet. The district's safety and security measures are always enabled to help students avoid dangerous or inappropriate sites and to prevent leaks of student identifiable data.